“The classroom management seminar was one of the most immediately useful workshops taken to date. Even after 20 years of education!” Renee Matson
“The seminar was fantastic! Great ideas and very engaging! All of the areas discussed can be directly applied and used in the classroom. Thank You.” Jane S.
“On Thursday, I was about ready to give up. Today I feel like there is some hope. This is worthwhile, and gives me some tools to work with! No more marbles or checkmarks. Very encouraging!” Debra Collins
“An overall Stellar course!” Valerie R.
“This training provided the best logical presentation, on discipline I’ve ever had in my 23 years of teaching. I have practical ideas I can use immediately. The trainer demonstrated great knowledge of classroom practices, management, and what life is like in the classroom (So few do.)” Neil Hudgens
“This training was very practical and, honestly, I learned more about teaching and kids than in all of my education classes in college combined.”
“I really can’t wait to get back to school and try the ideas!” Helen M. Steward