What grade or age levels is this training for?

This training is for ALL ages. The phrase “they should know better” is not valid at any age. Teachers and administrators of all educational ages (even college) use this program with great success. Middle and High schools have seen great transformation with this.

How do I get started? Can I get a free cost quote?
Simply fill out our Request Quote form and we’ll be happy to provide a free, all-inclusive quote. Or, you may call me at the number above.
Is college credit provided as an option?

Yes. Graduate level semester college credit is available through University of Massachusetts Global. Please note that additional requirements and fees will apply.

Are training materials included?
Yes, unlike most onsite training sponsors, we provide a professionally printed comprehensive resource handbook for each participant. There are many other supplemental materials you may choose from to enhance your day. They all align with the course and augment the outcomes.
What if our school does not have a full day available for training?
Your trainer can work with you to develop a plan that best meets your campus needs. This means that you may be able to break up the training day into smaller units over a period of time.
How long are the On-Site Trainings?
Each On-Site Training Seminar includes 5 instructional hours plus breaks.
How much is the training?
We provide you with a series of training options to best meet the needs of your campus. Request a Quote
KF Teach